My little 6.5x7" sketchbook opens to about 7' long and proved to be the perfect size for my glorious hiking trek along the extreme northern tip of Vancouver Island.
Using 90lb watercolour paper I simply cut single fold pages and using 1"x7" spines (folded lenthwise) attached one to the other forming my accordian. I chose to position my paper so the the join was in the inner crease of each double page. This resulted in some pooling of paint (see cabin sketch) but I am fine with this and was pleased with having good flow from one day (double fold) to the next.
Because I had my paper glued into a hardcover book I could easily sketch and paint with a firm surface yet had the option of opening up the odd time I was connecting pictures with the next page.
Well your posts prove it all worked well, and you Win with that tiny travel palette!!
Nice! I just love your painting at the top! Sounds like you've been having a grand time!
Ok I decided this one sent you over the top!! - check out my blog
and pick up your Oscar - oops I mean award!! Congratilations!
This is really, really, neat. For the first time, I think I might could do this, because your explanation and pictures were so helpful. You have beautiful drawings. Wish I could see more of those.
I love your work! I hope you don't mind, I gave you an award, love your artwork! Details are here:
You are amazing! You're making this incredible work of art with that tiny palette! I just love the fact that the sketchbook is 7'long---your ambition and joy are delightful to behold!
How wonderful your watercolors are!
Wow, this is looking amazing!
Stunning! :)
Oooo! I love your accordion book!!
Great idea, lovely work too. Sounds an amazing trip.
Those sketches look temptingly wonderful ... any chance of a few close-up views? :) Your accordion sketchbook is great and that teeny weeny paintbox is just adorable.
Thanks for sharing this great idea! I love anything that makes painting(especially outdoors) fun! Your paint kit is tinier than my Altoids paint kit!! I want to try this accordian set up now, I designed a long sketchbook just so I could use it longways...this idea opens up new possibilities!
Cute paint holder! Love the accordian format.
That was such an interesting post - in fact your whole blog is really interesting! I can't even remember what led me in here (I'm assuming it was an EDM post) but I've just realised I've read down your whole page without skipping a word! You should be an author!
Lovely pictures, and your handy little kit makes me want to walk straight out of work and get on with painting! Damn, 2 hours to go...
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