I've been attempting the preliminary sketches of our three children hoping to end up with a rather stylized version, not abstract; more interesting-yet-recognizable. I had this attempt of our baby which I thought was somewhat off kilter so thought I'd have some fun with it and try to loosen up and do some almost abstract blocks of colour. When I drew the lines through at the brow and cheekline and down throught the centre of her face, meaning to have obvious colour changes along these demarcations I decided that the face hadn't been wonky after all (aside from the fact that I'd ended up too narrow) and when I started to flow in with the strong colour I ended up tethering the brush and though I was dropping in strong colour it ended up looking rather normal. I think I may have just learned a lot about w/c! This is just in a sketchbook so I must start playing on w/c paper.
FABULOUS JOB!!! You should be proud!
Beautiful girl and a really interesting, loose, lovely color painting. Can't wait to see the final versions.
I really like the loose way you painted your dd. And you captured a likeness to her, too.
This is really good! You captured her smile perfectly.
Would love to see more of your portraits. This one was so lovely and what a beautiful daughter you have. I wish I could "keep it loose" as you did on this one. I'm too tight with everything I do. Thanks for sharing. I'll be back!
I love the result you came up with. This is beautiful! Yes, the face is a little narrow, but I think what keeps it from looking like a younger child is the forehead is bit too high. Otherwise this is an awesome painting. Great work! This is what she will look like in a couple of years. :-)
WOW! Beautiful girl and beautiful painting :)
Beautiful painting - and photo too!
This is delightful - you have such a loose touch, but you've captured her so well. And your daughter is beautiful.
How I love the color and juiciness of your paint application! What a gorgeous girl, too. I see one thing that is slightly off kilter and it's a mistake that I make often, too, and that's why I'm sensitive to it ;D---her eyes are not quite on the same plane. You've kept the nose and mouth and forehead perfectly aligned (which is a mistake many, many people make, but not you!) Overall,i love the exuberance and freedom here!
Oh I think this is adorable and yes, I think you will notice a big difference on WC paper...I can't wait to see your results.
Hi Sue and thanks for visiting my blog! I love your watercolor style, the mastery shows in how loose you can be with still keeping the subject clear. Your daughter (?) is gorgeous, great capture of her, yes you got her essence but kept it loose! NICE!
You've captured her extremely well!
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