I've been attempting the preliminary sketches of our three children hoping to end up with a rather stylized version, not abstract; more interesting-yet-recognizable. I had this attempt of our baby which I thought was somewhat off kilter so thought I'd have some fun with it and try to loosen up and do some almost abstract blocks of colour. When I drew the lines through at the brow and cheekline and down throught the centre of her face, meaning to have obvious colour changes along these demarcations I decided that the face hadn't been wonky after all (aside from the fact that I'd ended up too narrow) and when I started to flow in with the strong colour I ended up tethering the brush and though I was dropping in strong colour it ended up looking rather normal. I think I may have just learned a lot about w/c! This is just in a sketchbook so I must start playing on w/c paper.