Night sky. It seemed so easy. Other people made it look quick and easy on their blogs. Hey guys! how do you do it? it's NOT easy! I did the original attempt sitting in comfort out on my back deck after a lovely walk. I did the darkening, or muddying inside last night then darkened the pole with pastel. Not quite the success I envisioned. But learning experiences are all good.
lovely composition - good try with the night sky - it is hard isn't it - I've tried several times but don't feel I cracked the secret - getting the dark dark enough is a problem though having a light spot makes the dark look darker.
OH THIS IS FANTASTIC!!! gREAT composition -- and getting 'night' good is difficult I think ... this is great!!
this has been a challenge for me, too. I like your darker version and it doesn't look muddy to me. It's a very pleasing little sketch and a nice record of the evening.
I think it's wonderful and I am enjoying the composition as I see others here have already noted. Sometimes with darks it's a matter of being bold with your color and trying to hit it dead on the first time as opposed to layering (but that is just my opinion and surely many will recommend the opposite!)
VERY GOOD, Sue. Like both versions. Night skies are a little more difficult. Looks great to me.
I think adding the pastel helped give contrast. Not bad at all. And near a big city there is always that lighter glow at the horizon.
I really like the pre-darkened one, it has the look of a summer evening. You could try using masking fluid, although, the darker version doesn't look muddy to me!
I agree with your comment on EDM about trying to keep up, I'm in the same boat! Just wanted to say your nights skies are just wonderful, you've captured the light perfectly!
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