I'll post a few from last week.
The darling toddler whose mouth, believe it or not, is dead on (even though I overworked the eye til it was mucked up) Something about it works and it's only a sketch and when you're sketching every day, or even 4Xper wk who cares! This is so free-ing isn't it? Oh, yeah, back to my original statement. The toddler is my grandbaby, asleep while we were babysitting (which also explains the overworked eye - the light was very dim)
The window and the door done way apart in time are of my mom's childhood home which she adores and what I would like to do someday in the not too distant future is to put the entire house together in it's proper order and setting and do a watercolour perhaps with some ribbon embroydery foxgloves in the forground. Anything's possible. Right?!